Pierre Léon Boutroux


Year Born: 6 Dec 1880

Year Died: 15 Aug 1922

birth place: Paris, France

Where did he or she study?? in Paris at the Ecole Normale Supérieure

Where was most of his or her career spent? He spent 1909 as visiting professor at the University of Nancy

What were important books written by this mathematician?
Boutroux published an extremely important work Les principes de l'analyse mathématique in two volumes; Volume 1 in 1914 and Volume 2 in 1919.
What were important ideas developed by this mathematician?
Did this mathematician have any famous students?
Painlevé, Poincaré and Emile Picard
How do we apply this mathematician's work today?
During the war Boutroux served bravely in the French army. At the end of the war he did not return to the United States but decided to stay in France.