WelcomeContents Classroom

Mrs. Tyler,

your guide to Math and Maps

Room 113
678 676 7902 (8:300-4:00)
Office Hours for walk in visit
8:00-8:30AM & 2:30-3:30PM
Babylonian Map on clay tablet.

click for larger image
This is a copy of the first page of Columbus' original letter that reports his discoveries in the Indes. In my math class you will explore worlds more vast and more valuable than those found by Columbus. But don't worry I am a good guide and you will be glade you came on this safari of the mind.
Course Syllabus


Before you begin an expedition into the mathematical unknown you have a right to check out your guide to make sure she/he is competent and trust worthy.

I was born in the village of Monkol Borei, Battambang province Cambodia (Kampuchea)..
I went to public school based on the French model but my education was disrupted by the
Khmer Rouge (Democratic Kampuchea, under Pol pot) and years in refugee camps in Thialand and the Phillipeans. I never graduated from high school.

At the end of 1982 I arrived in Atlanta when I was twenty years old.

I took an associate degree from Atlanta Metropolitan College in 1985 and then studied computer science and mathematics at Georiga State University where I graduated with a Bachelor's of Science degree in 1987. After working as a translator for the DeKalb County schools for several years I did a post-bach program at Clarke-Atlanta to obtain my secondary math teaching certificate in 1996. I have been teaching at Sequoyah Middle School.

I married in 1990 (that's me standing in the blue dress)

And now when I go to interesting places with sisters and daughter I am always looking for interesting examples of mathematics to bring back to my class.

My Five-Fold Mission As An Educational Professional.

Mission Statement

My mission is to expand the students’ visions of their potential as individuals and their aspirations as world citizens and to provide them with the intellectual, material, and technological resources they will need to develop their potential and actualize their aspirations.

Guiding Principals

First, like a physician, I will do no harm to my students as I practice the art of teaching.

Second, I myself shall be the measure of my success as a teacher and I will not measure my success by external factors such as standardized test results, pay for performance bonuses, professional evaluations, awards, commendations, or the renewal of my teaching contract.

Third, I will remember that my primary task is to be a mirror for the students and reflect the potential, the talent, and the inherent wisdom that resides within each of them.

Fourth, when a student presents a contrary view I will never forget Socrates’ reply to the oracle’s prophecy that he was the wisest man in the world. “If it is so it is because I know nothing.”

Fifth and finally, by working to provide students the resources they need to develop their potential I will be enhancing the prospects of the individual student while acting as an agent of social change. That is, if my students need something I should seek it independently through grants and partnerships rather than rely on the county or state to provide it.

Last update 22 December 2002
I have no intention to copyright any of these pages