Student Author:Jesse

John von Neumann


Year Born: Hungary in 1903

Year Died: 19957

birth place: Budapest, Hungary

Where did he or she study?

Where was most of his or her career spent?

What were important books written by this mathematician?
John von Neumann's 1944 book with Oskar Morgenstern, Theory of Games and Economic Behavior was a landmark of twentieth century social science. Besides single-handedly inventing the entire field of Game Theory, this book introduced several other important elements used in other fields of economics, such as the axiomatization of utility theory per se (as later pursued by Arrow, Debreu, etc.) and the Axiomatization of Choice Under Uncertainty, i.e. the formalization of the expected utility hypothesis.
What were important ideas developed by this mathematician?
John von Neumann single handedly invented the whole field of Game Theory. Other works of John van Neumann were: • "Zur Theorie der Gessellshaftspiele", Mathematische Annalen 1928.
• "A Model of General Economic Equilibrium", 1937, in K. Menger, editor,Ergebnisse eines mathematischen Kolloquiums, 1935-36. (Translated and reprinted in RES, 1945).
• Theory of Games and Economic Behavior, with O. Morgenstern, 1944.
• "A Communications on the Borel Notes", 1953, Econometrica
• "Solutions of Games by Differential Equations", with G.W. Brown, 1953, in Kuhn and Tucker, editors, Contributions to Theory of Games, Vol. I.
• "Two Variants of Poker" with D.B. Gillies and J.P. Mayberry, 1953, in Kuhn and Tucker, editors, Contributions to Theory of Games, Vol. I.
• "A Numerical Method to Determine Optimum Strategy", 1954, Naval Research Logistics Quarterly
• The Computer and the Brain, 1958
Did this mathematician have any famous students?
Unfortunately, John von Neumann did not have any special or famous students, but he alone was one of the brightest people during the twentieth century
How do we apply this mathematician's work today?
He applies Neumann’s work today in many simple ways. The most popular theorem is the Theory of Games.